The Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) is a statutory body established under the Environmental Management Act (EMA) No. 12 of 2011. The mandate of the Agency is to regulate and coordinate the management of natural resources, prevent and control environmental degradation for sustainable development.
The Agency has developed this strategic Plan to set out an operation framework for execution of its mandate during the period 2022 – 2026. The Plan outlines our vision, mission, strategic objectives, strategic themes, key performance indicators (measures) and intended strategic results. This Strategic Plan is one of the major vehicles for the implementation of policy interventions contained in the 8th National Development Plan (8NDP), in general, and the Environmental Sustainability Strategic Development Area in particular. This Strategic Plan will therefore, enable the Agency to be pragmatic in its pursuit and be responsive to the dynamics in the environment as well as build confidence and trust among its stakeholders in discharging its mandate. In this regard, ZEMA commits to safeguard the environment and human health through the provision of environmental regulatory services, promotion of low carbon emissions and foster social
inclusion. In carrying out its mandate, the Agency will uphold its shared core values, namely: Integrity, Excellence, Environmental Justice, Accountability and Innovation.
Through this Strategic Plan, the Board, Management and members of staff commit themselves to building “A world class service-centred Regulator for a green economy and environment”. I therefore, call upon all our Stakeholders to come on board and support us as we pursue this noble cause.
Download: Strategic Plan 2022_2026