About Us

About us

Zambia Environmental Management Agency

Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) is an independent environmental regulator and coordinating agency, established through an Act of Parliament, the Environmental Management Act (EMA) No. 12 of 2011.

It is mandated to do all such things as are necessary to protect the environment and control pollution, so as to provide for the health and welfare of persons, animals, plants and the environment. ZEMA is governed by a board which provides strategic direction, develops policies approves its work plans and budget as well as monitoring of its functions as it relates to administration of the EMA.

Mandate Mission Vision

“To ensure sustainable management of natural resources, protection of the environment and prevent and control pollution“

“To safeguard the environment and human health.”

“A service-centred regulator for a green economy and environment.”

years of environmental stewardship
Zambia's Principal Environmental Regulator
Managing our Environment, Securing our future