Proposed land Subdivision and Housing Project on Sub 1 of Sub j of Farm no. 87a in Silverest Area of Chongwe District by Focus Properties Limited

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Proposed land Subdivision and Housing Project on Sub 1 of Sub j of Farm no. 87a in Silverest Area of Chongwe District by Focus Properties Limited

Focus Properties Limited is a private Company incorporated in May 2016. The
Company’s core business is construction of real estate developments and
oversea investment as its main business, while property management,
landscaping and project ornament as its supporting business. Focus
Properties Limited revolves around acquiring parcels of land and subdividing
them into plots for sale for various purposes. It is in this line that the company
intends to subdivide land, sell each of the pieces of land to individuals and
construct houses on a 103 hectares piece of land on Subdivision 1 of Sub J
of Farm 87a in Silverest area of Chongwe District. The project will involve
subdividing 103 hectares piece of land into about 728 plots and construct
houses for clients who wish their houses are built by the company. The project
area is being rezoned mostly for residential and commercial purposes, and
the minimum plot size will be 30m x 20m and maximum size will be 50m x

Download Here: Final EIS_Focus Properties Limited