Updated ZIFLP Process Framework

Updated ZIFLP Process Framework

Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project (ZIFLP) is being co-financed by the Government
of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ), the World Bank, International Development Agency
(IDA), BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes (ISFL), Global
Environmental-Facility (GEF). The Project also receives contributions from the other beneficiary
communities. The ZIFLP has proposed to attain an average emissions reduction of 3.5 million
tCO2e/ per year (35 million tCO2e in total) and other co-benefits of REDD+.

The implementation of the ZIFLP activities may cause restrictions on access to natural resources in
the PAs, especially in the NPs. Therefore, this PF has been prepared following the World Bank
(OP) 4.12 to contribute to the smooth execution of the Project by providing guidelines to address
potential adverse social (particularly, livelihood) impacts.