Proposed Large Scale Open Cast Mining Project In Chakumba, Kanyemba And Siakanja Villages Of Zimba District, Southern Province By Builders Mining Corporation Limited. (License No. 21863-HQ-LEL)

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Proposed Large Scale Open Cast Mining Project In Chakumba, Kanyemba And Siakanja Villages Of Zimba District, Southern Province By Builders Mining Corporation Limited. (License No. 21863-HQ-LEL)

Builders Mining Corporation Limited (BMCL), a Zambian registered private limited company, holds the mining rights over the 56,769.6401 Ha Large-Scale Prospecting Licence Number 21863-HQ-LEL tenement, located in Senior Chief Mweemba of Sinazongwe District and Chief Simwatachela Chiefdom, of Zimba District, Southern Province. The Project site is located about 128km from Zimba District. The main Mining operations will be conducted in Chakumba village while satellite operations will be conducted in Siakanja and Kanyemba villages. There are no activities in the project area, apart from some exploration works (by the Developer) and illegal mining activities (by the local residents), hence this is a Greenfield project.