Agriculture plays a key role in the social and economic development of Zambia as a nation. Statistics show that 80 percent of the country’s population is dependent on agriculture and about 70 percent of its labour force is employed in this sector. However, agricultural production in Zambia is vulnerable to seasonal rainfall variability. Drought occurrences over the past decades have continued to affect agricultural productivity resulting in food insecurity, thereby threatening 80 percent of the population. In view of this, the Government has been promoting investment in irrigation schemes to sustain agricultural development. Shigu Farm (SF) was registered on 7th January, 2020. The company intends to construct an irrigation dam on Munda River. SF has in the past been developing and operating on rainfed and irrigated seed maize and soyabeans and wheat and macadamia. The farm has 210ha Centre pivot irrigation and practices No-till, cover crops and livestock integration to improve soil health for sustainable farming. The farm has a dam which at full capacity is 1.900 000m3. However, given the irregularity of rainfall pattern in the area and the prevalence of droughts in recent years the dam is at 1.700 000 m3 which is not enough for all irrigation currently available with a winter crop and an early irrigated summer crop. Shigu farm therefore, intends to construct another dam to secure water availability for the various commercial activities that will be implemented on the farm.
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