Emission Licence

An Emission Licence is a document issued to a person, which allows that person to emit or discharge a pollutant or contaminant into the environment in such manner and under such conditions as may be prescribed in the Licence terms and conditions.
- National Registration Card (NRC)
- Certificate of Incorporation of the Company
- Returns
- EIA Report
- Certified Copy of Qualifications of Person Responsible for Compliance with the Act and Conditions of Licence
- Documentary proof that the residents of the area surrounding the proposed emission site were notified of the applicant’s intention to apply for an emission licence in a daily newspaper of general circulation in
- Zambia, after seven days from the date of the notification
- Environmental Management Plan(s)
- Insurance
Note: To apply, you must be logged on using your free ZamPass account, https://eservices.gov.zm/#/zampasslogin. If this is your first visit, please register first, here: https://zampass.gsb.gov.zm/register.
1. Click on the [Apply for Service] button.
2. Complete all sections of the application form; go through the process by clicking the “Next” button.
3. Once the application form is complete, preview and digitally sign it using the PIN code given to you when you registered your ZamPass account.
4. Pay the Invoice online, by selecting your preferred method of payment, receive the Payment Receipt and Action Notice with further instructions.
5. If self-service, receive your certificate instantly; if operator-assisted, you will receive a notification when the review is finished or when you can visit the office to pick up the document.
Note: If your application is denied, you will receive an Action Notice explaining the grounds of denial and the procedure for appeal.
30 Days
3 (three) years
The fee depends on the purpose of the license according to the Fee Schedule in the SI no.12 of 2013 – The Environmental Management (Licensing) Regulations, 2013